This week’s blog has been composed by Gemma Bolton.
In maths we are continuing to focus on angles. We have been using protractors to measure angles.
In language work we have been learning about synonyms e.g. sleepy and tired, quick and swift, trouble and bother. Two words that mean the same thing!
In science we used wires and batteries to make a light bulb light up or to make a motor work. We have been learning about circuits. It was great fun.
In PE we had WLC coaches for basketball. We learned how to dribble the basketball and then shoot to the net. This was great fun too.
This week’s Rocky Monster Show rehearsals – we have now run through the full show. We concentrated on scenes 6, 7 and 8 this week. It’s looking good! We now have to get the whole show polished up. Lots of hard work by all of us.
In RME we are working in trios or quartets to learn more about a parable, miracle or an historical Biblical story. Our learning outcome will be that each group presents theirs to the class – that way we will learn more about lots of Bible stories.

Louise’s highlight was Tuesday’s drama because we performed scene 7 and it is looking good.
Finally Gemma’s highlight was Thursday’s after school rehearsal – simply because it was great fun!

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