Dinosaurs, dinosaurs everywhere!

This week has been really busy. We made dinosaurs with Mrs Mackenzie on Wednesday morning. We learnt about the shapes of dinosaurs; some had long necks, some had spikes or plates along their backs and some had long tails. Some of them are herbivores and some are carnivores. If a dinosaur is a herbivore it means that it eats plants. Carnivores eat meat. Some dinosaurs lived in water, whilst most lived on the land. We learnt a lot of dinosaur names.
We also learnt a lot of Scottish words and drew pictures of them.
These are some of our favourite Scottish words
Nina – a ken
Evie – bahookie
Noah – dinnae ken
Jess – maw
Harris – whit
Grace – snawman
On Wednesday a lot of the children visited the childsmile team who painted our teeth with a special varnish to make our teeth nice and strong.
With Mrs Laidlaw we wrote about where we would take Harry’s Bucketful of Dinosaurs…….


Noah – I would take them to Legoland.
Sarah – I would take them to Princess land
Evie – I would take them to Daniel’s house.
Jess – I would take them to the soft play.
Liam – I would take them on holiday.
Nina – I would take them to butterfly land.
Marley – I would take them to Cbeebies land.
Isla – I would take them to the soft play.
Dojo winners – Nina, Evie and Dionne.

Pupil of the Week – Nina for her excellent addition strategies.

Article 28 – the right to an education

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