Last week’s Dojo winner was Lucy – well done!

Look at what we’ve done this week –
Cameron and Connor – This week we made Powerpoint presentations about Electricity. Cameron’s was about transformers and electric circuits. He found this interesting. Connor’s was about electric fields and electric shocks. Connor enjoyed doing this work.
Scott – In PE, we have been learning Scottish Country Dancing – this we learned The Dashing White Sergeant. This was great fun!
Keira B – In story writing we wrote a biography about Rabbie Burns. We used the i-pads to research information about him – this helped us a great deal.
Lexis – My spelling group has been working on compound connectives – words like sideboard!
In performing Arts – The Rocky Monster Show is going to be fantastic! This week we have completed Act 1. We are now beginning to move forward to Act 2. In class, we are beginning to use our art and design skills to prepare the scenes, programme and DVD covers. After school on Thursday the rehearsal will be all the soloists and the Superbs!

Another busy week for us!

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