Dinosaur Eggs


We were so surprised to come into the classroom yesterday morning to find a nest of dinosaur eggs on the table!

Akasha – They began to hatch and we played with the dinosaurs. We each got a turn to gently try and get the dinosaur eggs to hatch.

Kyle – We were trying to get the dinosaurs out.

Brandon – The baby dinosaurs tails hatched out of the eggs.

Luis – We read the story “Harry and his dinosaurs go to school”

Tiana – Harry took his dinosaurs to school and he put them in a bucket outside the classroom.

Akasha – Harry took his dinosaurs out of the bucket and they said “RAHHHHH!!”

Orlaith – If we weren’t hatching the eggs, we got to colour in a picture of the and write what they were called.




Article 28: We have the right to an education

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