Happy New Year from P5b

We started off our third term in P5 by reflecting on the old year and thinking about all the fun things we’ll do in 2016. We also selected our Scottish poems for the Burns Competition on the 18th January. We came across a lot of braw Scots words. Do you know what these words mean?




From the Blog Post Box

This term my target is …

…to master the 4 and 9 times table.               Darja

…to get into the Golden Club.                 Jamie

…to get my Home Learning in on time.           Harry

…to wear my glasses more than I do.              Murray

…to focus more on my work.                  Katie

…to get better at my underlining!          Noah


Article 28

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2 thoughts on “Happy New Year from P5b”

  1. It was a fun week .i read my Scottish poem to my hole family they said I did it very well and I have a chance of being first place


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