ARB reflect on their week!

Yolie: On yesterday I ate Christmas lunch. I had steak pie and Christmas pudding and chocolate Freddo. It was good. I liked the chocolate Freddo the best. It had popping candy in it! Yum!

Callum: I enjoyed having lunch in our own classes because I had a packed lunch. I had a drink, ham sandwiches, crisps and chocolate in my packed lunch. My favourite part was being in my class and having lunch with my best friends. It was really amazing!

Liam: I ate all my Christmas lunch yesterday. I enjoyed reading ‘Where’s Wally?’ I was good at finding Wally. Me and Miss Robertson had a race to see who could find Wally first. We were both fast!

Dylan: I enjoyed swimming. I liked the big floats and also we got tipped over by Miss Robertson. I am looking forward to Christmas.

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