Christmas is coming to Class M

On Monday it was a special day. Monday was St. Andrews Day. Says Dylan.

We watched a clip on the smartboard about St Andrew, then thought about what it means to be Scottish.

St. Andrew was a fisherman says Joe.

Adan said “We ate haggis because it is Scottish. St. Andrew was Scottish.”

Cary and Aiden did not like the haggis so the just ate oatcakes instead.
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In Class M this week for our writing we learned about: Advent.

Below the children tell us 1 fact about advent:

Dylan: “Advent has 4 Sundays before Christmas!”

Joe: “People get advent caledars and have to find a number of the day to open. Sometimes there is chocolate inside. I have a candycane advent calendar.”

Cary: “Advent is the time leading up to Christmas. We count down the days in December”.

Everyone is looking forward to the next few weeks leading up to Christmas. We are excited to take part in lots of fun events such as the panto, disco and Christmas Lunch.

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