Today we went to our first Big Balbardie Blether (BBB). We were in different groups according to our House Teams and most of us went to different classes and teachers. Whilst we were there we had to chat about Golden Time and Golden Club.
Our first question was “Why do we have Golden Time?”
-You get to bring in a toy (Lois)
-Because you have been good (Rheagan)
Some of the other things we thought about doing during Golden Time were:
-Having a party (Kyle)
-Going to a fun fair (Lily)
-A disco (Akasha)
We then talked about getting into the Golden Club and the different events there are for rewards for pupils who get into it. We thought of some new ideas for Golden Club Events. Some of these were:
-getting presents (Ehan)
-bring in your own toys (Brandon)
-make ice cream (Orlaith)
-make our own biscuits (Elena)
All of the results from the BBB will be collated and shared in class. We really enjoyed talking about Golden Time and The Golden Club and are all hoping to get into The Golden Club by Christmas time!
-Miss Wilson & Primary 1a
glad to hear you enjoyed your first BBB and are looking forward to the next one!!! We will get back to you soon the final results.
I loved doing the big balbardie blether! It was nice chatting with the other classes. I’m going to keep working hard to get into the golden club soon!!
Love Lois. X