
Primary 6A

This week we read part of the script for our primary 6 musical, ‘The Rocky Monster Show’.   We have also had the chance to add our names to the audition lists.  This morning, Pamela Logan our dance choreographer, came in to school and we started our first dance session.

Hard work, but fun!

In Learning Across the Curriculum we have been invited to Dumbledore’s School of Science.  Our class groups are the four houses, and we had our names in the sorting hat to be given our new groups.  We introduced

Mrs Innes to what will be our class song for this block of work!   We gave Mrs Mallin a rendition this morning – she loved it.  This will definitely form part of our class assembly!

In maths, the Hexagons and Pentagons have been working on finding fractions of quantities – this proved tricky for some.  The triangles found their multiplication work a bit tricky, but they have had a lot of success with learning all about it this week.

Our writing saw us completing a diary entry that had to be in the first person, in the past tense and to have a ‘chatty’ style.  Some of us had so much to tell our diary that we didn’t get it finished!

Cooking started with Mrs Jamieson and three of our class had fun in the kitchen yesterday.

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