Class O have been very busy developing skills. They have been working hard on team work and collaboration. They have enjoyed challenges that involve working together and sharing ideas and resources. They have been very successful learners!
Here is what they have enjoyed:
Cameron: I was working with some pupils from Class O to design and make a model. we worked toegther. We were practising sharing and listening to each other’s ideas.
Jamie: Toothbruching has been fun. We have been developing our skills in keeping healthy so we have been brushing our teeth after snack.
Callum: Wow! Tooth brushing is great. Even Mrs O’Neill and MIss Waddell brush their teeth. It leaves mu mouth feeling refreshed after snack.
Liam: We have been learning to measure using lots of different things. We measured things inside the classroom and outside in the playground. We were learning how to calcualte the area of a shape too.
Cody: I really enjoyed measuring and calculating area in the playground. It was fun, bt quite tricky too becasue it was a big space to measure.
Yolie: I was measuring lots of things this week. I am good at measureing. It was finding out how big shaoes are.