
What a great week in P5a!

In maths we have been working with subtraction and addition inverse. We were all quite surprised that you can make an adding sum from a takeaway sum. Some of us find adding easier than taking away so that’s a new strategy we can use to help in our numeracy and maths work. Here’s an example –

19-3=16 is the same as 16+3=19 …easy peasy!

Our writing this week has been to stretch sentences on our own without the help of Mrs Drummond. We are definitely finding that using sentence stretchers helps a lot and we are all very confident when using this approach.


We built our trebuchets this week! We built a jenga wall to test our trebuchet’s once they were finished. Here are some pictures-








We had a good discussion about how the trebuchets could have been improved as some of them didn’t quite fire far enough to hit the Jenga wall.

Have a great holiday week !!!!!



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