It’s been an exciting week for us this week. We all became journalists and reported on a story for our Newspaper. Stories ranged from Man U v’s Aresenal to our new school mascot, and came complete with photographs.

Viggo – I liked the Newspaper article, because you could write about whatever you wanted.

Aaron’s favourite part of the week was learning about Le Tour Eiffel in French.

Millie – I enjoyed making the board game in vertical learning and using lots of new skills.

William – I loved getting my letter telling me I am able to learn an instrument. I enjoyed learning to say the different places in French.

Iona – I learned how to work out percentages on the calculator – but only after Mrs haddifon made us work it out mentally!

We are looking forward to seeing you all at our open afternoon on Monday where we will be showcasing all our rainforest learning.

Have a good weekend!

2 thoughts on “P6B”

  1. Viggo was telling us about the newspaper article. Budding journalists in P6b! Can’t wait to see all the displays on Monday afternoon!

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