What a busy week we’ve had!

In maths, the Hexagons have almost completed work on place value. We will complete a final assessment of this next week!

In reading, we have been looking at characters, their qualities and finding textual evidence to support what we have written… not an easy task!

As part of our LAC, we have written poems about the Rain Forest that contain similes. We are really pleased with our finished results. They are mounted on our classroom display for our open afternoon, on Monday, and parents’ evenings. Also as part of LAC, we have finalised our dance/drama performance of, ‘The Rain Forest’. On Monday, at our open afternoon, we would like to perform this for our parents/friends. This will take place at 2.35p.m in the drama hall. We are also performing for our target audience, primary 4/3, on Tuesday afternoon.

We have begun looking towards what we would like to share in our Profile Jotters for the month of October.

Another busy week in primary 6A…. and another busy week ahead! We are going to find out more about our primary 6 musical on Friday, and we will know about the auditions schedule for the beginning of next term!

2 thoughts on “P6A”

  1. Wow! Sounds like a busy week indeed p6a

    I am looking forward to coming along to your open afternoon on Monday and your Rain Forest performance 🙂

    Nancy (Ben’s mum)

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