
Another busy week!


We have been doing lots of work on asking and answering questions. We are learning to use a variety of different types of questions in class to develop higher order thinking. We are using blooms questions to help with this. We have also been looking at comprehension to aid our understanding of the texts we read. We have been using the SRA resource to help us with this. We are becoming very independent in using this resource. We understand the importance of listening to questions and identifying what is actually being asked. This is a skill that we need to develop as we use it in every area of our learning.


In writing this week we have been developing our ability to stretch sentences. We all had great fun and were very successful with this. We took a basic sentence and stretched it by adding adjectives, adverbs, who, why, where, when and what.

Lennox – I learned how to use a verb and an adverb in my sentences

Ciaran – using the sentence stretchers makes building sentences easy

Ty – it was fun using the sentence stretchers


LATC has been great fun this week as we have all designed a Trebuchet and included instructions for building it. We had to label our design parts with the resources we would need to construct the trebuchet. Next week we will use the designs in a Home Team challenge ……watch this space!


Last week we learned about different angles and we were able to link that with this week’s learning about triangles –

Scott – there are three different types of triangle; equilateral, scalene and isosceles

Sophie – the three sides of an equilateral triangle are all the same length

Ciaran – the inside angles are all the same in an equilateral triangle

Tom – the scalene triangle has one right angle


In music this week we were learning to represent a piece of music as a drawing. We used Vivaldi’s Four Seasons as a context for learning. We listened to one of the seasons and had to identify (through discussion) what the season was then we drew a picture to represent the season which was spring.

Have a great weekend………this time next week !!!!!!!!

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