P7b Learning Log

On Monday some P6’s & P7’s stayed behind after school to trial for the school football team, which is run by Mr Cunningham. There were only 21 spaces and 42 went along for the trial! At first we discussed the position on the field we would want and then we went outside to play. There were two teams playing at the same time. Before going home, Mr Cunningham revealed the names of the people who had made the team. We are really proud of our efforts and are looking forward to our first game on the 12th of October against St Mary’s.

This week we looked at 3D shape once more. We had different stations related to 3D shapes set up in the class which we rotated around in our groups. We were revising the number of faces, edges and vertices on different 3D shapes. At one of the stations we discussed why we think certain products are made in a particular shape. E.g. dice are a cube shape so that it lands on one side to read the number. At another station we played 3D games online on the netbooks to reinfore our learning intention. We also had an activity where we had to match the shape to its net. Next week we will explore 2D shapes.

Have a nice weekend,


Article 15- Right to make friends and join groups
Article 28 -Right to an Education

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