Hello Everyone!  Well our open afternoon is getting closer (12/10) with invitations to you all going out on Monday. We are looking forward to showcasing all our work especially or simile poems which we worked on this week.

Millie – I thought it was fun.

Aidan – I learned about similes and I can tell you one – feel free to ask me!

We all think they are as cool as a cucumber……..

In outdoor p.e. we were learning about communication.  We had an obstacle course that we had to do blindfolded then get herded into a pen!  Of course our partner wasn’t blindfolded and they had to guide us by only talking.

Jack – it was fun but I was terrible at it!

Aaron – It’s really hard to know where you are going and when your partner is talking you don’t know where you are going.

Liam – It was quite confusing because you could hear other people giving instructions as well.


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