P6a Weekly Update

This week in P6a we have been writing diary entries about life in the rainforest.

In P.E this week we learned about the three basic skills, travelling, balance and object control. In outdoor P.E we were learning how to dribble a hockey ball.

With Mrs Innes in drama we have been preparing a showcase for p4/3. We are performing the president’s bodyguard, a dance drama piece and a dance piece.

With our P1 buddies we were teaching them to count forwards and backwards to 20. We drew numbers on the playground with chalk and played games with these numbers to help them learn.

We have started to prepare for our Open Afternoon on Monday 12th October at 2:30pm. Your  invite should be with you soon!

The best bit about my week was at drama when we were preparing for our show for P4/3 children. – Clara

The best bit of my week was when we did PE with Mr Jeffries as I loved playing the statue game. – Casey

By Clara and Casey


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