Our trip to the library

This week, Primary 1a were very lucky to get to visit the library in Bathgate. We were very excited to walk down and we even made a checklist of things to look for “down in our town”. Some of the things that we saw were:
-A stop sign (Tiana)
-Fire engine (Scott)
-We saw a cyclist at the very end (Isla)
-We saw a lollipop man and his lollipop stick (Orlaith)
-We saw a flat (Akasha)
-I saw police officers (Kyle)
-Books (Ehan)
-Dogs (Rowan)

When we got to the library we were very happy to meet Book Bug! We found out that Book Bug lives in the library and he loves to read.

Once we met Book Bug, we sang the “hello song”. It went like this:
“Hello book bug, hello book bug, hello book, we’re glad that you could come!” Lots of the boys and girls loved singing the songs.

We then got to meet Cheeky Monkey! We sang hello to him and we got to bounce along to the song with him, brush his hair, and tickle his tummy!

Next, some of us got to put on the finger puppet monkeys and we had to try and hide them from Crocodile!! It was very funny when the crocodile tried to snatch the monkeys off our fingers.

When the monkeys were tired we lay them down underneath the parachute and sang the “wake up” song. Lots of us enjoyed jumping up and down with the parachute to wake them up!

We were then very tired so we lay down on the floor and the librarian blew lots of bubbles on us to relax us.

Our favourite things about our library visit were:
Eden -Hiding the monkeys under the parachute
Orlaith -Writing our names on the leaves
Tiana -Hiding the monkeys under the parachute
Isla -When we put the monkeys on our fingers
Akasha -Playing with the monkeys
Jonah -I liked it when we had the parachute out
Kyle -I liked the parachute
Brandon -Putting the monkeys on my finger
Eva -When the crocodile tried to eat the monkeys
Teigan -When the monkeys got caught by the crocodile
Luis -I liked the parachute
Lois -I liked putting the monkeys under the parachute
Freya -The parachute
Scott -Singing the “hello song”
Lily -When the crocodile was trying to catch all the monkeys on our fingers
Ehan -Book Bug
Rosie -Playing with the parachute
Lexi -All of it!
Rheagan -When we were walking down
Rowan -I liked when we were lying down on the floor
Lucas -Putting the monkeys under the parachute

library tree


*Reminder that Shared Start is on Tuesday 6th October so parents and families are welcome to join us in the morning for our Big Start activities until 9:25am*

3 thoughts on “Our trip to the library”

  1. Hi P1a

    Your trip to the library sounds like a great success and that you had lots of fun. What a great idea to have a checklist of things to spot ‘down in our town’. I am sure you are looking forward to welcoming your parents and families to your classroom on Tuesday.


    Mrs Leamy

  2. I loved the trip to the library. It was great fun walking with my partner through bathgate in the sunshine and we enjoyed spotting all the things on our list. The puppet show at tbe library was really good and i liked singing the songs and meeting book bug!! I hope we go back soon.
    Lois x

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