
This week we continued our vertical learning groups. We worked in different classes to complete various rainforest related tasks.

In Mrs Stutt’s class we learned about deforestation. This is when people cut down trees and make the rainforest smaller. This ruins the rainforest animal’s habitat which can lead to extinction. We had a debate about the pros and cons of cutting trees. An example pro is that we can make paper, pencils and furniture etc. Example cons are animal extinction and there’s less oxygen in the world. We learned that 4, 000 trees are cut down in the rainforest every hour! We can plant new plants/trees, recylce and turn off lights etc when not in use to help the environment and save animals and their habitats.

In Miss Elliot’s class we chalked animals from the rainforest. We used a black crayon to draw the outline the coloured them using vibrant colours- they look really impressive.

In Miss Haddifon’s class we made terraniums. This is a plant in a bottle. We were reminded that a plant needs heat and light to survive. Moisture is created at the side of the bottle from the heat and light which waters the plant. This helps to demonstrate the water cycle.

In Miss Bollen’s class we made an aboriginal art piece using the pointallism technique. Our art piece had to include a rainforest animal and aboriginal symbols to tell a story. We had great fun.

Have a great weekend,


Article 28- Right to an Education

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