Caring about each other in Primary 1A

This week in Primary 1A we have been learning more about caring about each other and helping at home.

First, we read the story “Room on the Broom”. We felt that the main message was to help each other and keep each other safe. We started our “Friendship floorbook” where we talked about what makes a good friend and the things that we can do to be good friends to one another. Here are some pictures of us starting our new floorbook and drawing some pictures of how we are good friends.




Then, we worked in groups to discuss how we can help at home. We learned that to work well together we have to:
– Not scribble on our work (Rowan)
– Be nice to each other (Eva)
– Take turns when taking part (Orlaith)
– Help each other (Kyle)
– Listen to everyone’s ideas (Elena)

Here are some ways that we help and care at home:
– Taking my neighbour’s dogs for a walk (Eva)
– Sharing toys with my brother and tidy up my room (Brandon)
– Help my brother if he falls down and hurts himself (Scott)
– Helping my mum get down the stairs (Ehan)
– I help mummy tidy up her room (Luis)




Our next steps will be to continue learning more about what makes a good friend by reading “The Elves and the Shoemaker”. We will also be learning more about how different religions around the world care for one another.

Pupil of the week: Lily Wilson for working hard to sequence the story of “Room on the Broom”

Star Writers:

Article 15: We have the right to choose our friends and join or set up groups.
Article 14: We have the right to practise our beliefs and religion.

2 thoughts on “Caring about each other in Primary 1A”

  1. Very proud of Elena being star writer this week! She has also done really well helping out at home, putting dirty clothes in the machine, helping with the hooverng, and making her bed every day 🙂

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