Valerija thinks it has been a brilliant week this week, and Zoe agrees!  Here is what we have been up to:

Evie – We learned that in the rainforests you never build your shelter on the forest floor because it is mucky and creatures can get you!

Aaron – I enjoyed makig our rainforest display – it taught me about the different layers.

Polina – I enjoyed designing our shelters so that we can build them next week.

David – I enjoyed the vertical learning because I learned about different layers and I got to work with people I have never worked with before.

Zoe – I enjoyed doing the train timetable work in maths. It was hard but you could get the answer if you looked for the clues in the questions.

Jack – I liked when we went outside.

We are looking forward to handling some rainforest creatures next week!  Hope they are not all creepy crawly spiders! We are also excited about building our shelters and making our terranuiums.


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