Friends, fun and finishing our work in P4/3

We are very busy in our class every day and we are learning so much…

Our friends are nice -some are in this class and some are in other classes. We see them at break and lunch-Kay, Robert, Gemma

My best friend is in my class.We play together and work together most times….Sophie, Ava

My best friend is in class…We mostly play and join in together. When we set our work tables we sit together-Alfie

We liked playing with our friends on maths is fun! Alfie, Kiara, Mia

PE was fun with Mrs McClafferty outdoors and Mr Jeffries indoors- Connor, Emma

I liked being the Special student- Lauren

We liked being the star writer with our Fantastic Mr Fox stories-Megan, Euan

Drama was different this week- We listened to musicians playing in our Upper Hall- Suvi, Erin, Sam

We liked everything this week, especially playing and working with our friends- Oliver, Teighan, Jess, Denholm, Ben

I liked finishing my badger story this week using my plan-Liam

I liked sketching our school for our new learning Our Local Area-Sophia

I like Maths when we are using the postits for large numbers- Jason


Article 28 we have a right to an education


Have a super weekend !

Mrs Aitken

Remember Home Learning due in on Monday







6 thoughts on “Friends, fun and finishing our work in P4/3”

  1. It sounds like you are all enjoying your new class and getting on well together. Megan is looking forward to starting the new topic Our Local Area.

  2. Hi P4/3
    I enjoyed reading about your learning this week, and also how well you are all getting on in your class. Friendships and celebrating success is a very important part of our school life. I look forward to learning more about your new Context for Learning.
    Mrs Hay 🙂

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog, you all sound very happy and enthusiastic, your class sounds fun and exciting, well done Lauren on being special student, I look forward to reading your blog next week.

    Lauren’s Mum

  4. I loved having a look round your class this week everyone. What a brilliant place to learn! Sophie, get stuck into clean up duties, it’s good practice!
    Sophie ‘s mum

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