Class O are Busy Bees!



Learning new spelling words and starting new reading books was exciting this week. We have been using a variety of games and activities to help us learn about spelling patterns and characters in our stories.

Callum: “I really enjoyed using the highlighters to find my spelling words. I am reading anew book call Flat Stanley. It’s exciting.”

Cody: “I’ve been reviewing my week and it was a great week becasue we started back at swimming. I enjoyed writing about this.”


We have been learning about internet safety and how to access appropriate information safely through websites. We have also bee developing our computer skills so we can use technology to help us with our learning independently.



We have had lots of fun playing outside and enjoying the last of the sunshine. We have been using our imagination and developing our social skills.

Liam: ” I enjoyed playing Mickey Mouse Club House with Gabriel and Lewis from Class G. This is my favourite game I play with my friends at school.”

Cameron: “Playing tig and dodge ball with my friends is fun. I am learning to run fast so that I can win the game. Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t but this is ok.”

One of our Home Learning tasks this week is to use the skills we have been learning in Cyber Safety to logon, read our Blog and leave a comment. It would be great if you could leave us a comment to read too!

2 thoughts on “Class O are Busy Bees!”

  1. Hi Class O!
    Wow it looks like you guys have been busy!
    I’ve read Flat Stanley too Callum. I really enjoyed reading it with Cody and Aiden last year. What’s your favourite part so far?

    Liam is that you in the photo beside Lewis? I think you have grown over the summer, you look taller!

    Yolie I LOVE your hair! It’s beautiful! Are you enjoying being in Class O?

    Cody and Jamie, I hope you guys had a lovely summer and are enjoying being back at school.

    Miss Barrie

  2. Wow, you have been busy class O. I really like Flat Stanley too Callum, I hope you are still enjoying it. I’m looking forward to reading the comments you leave on the blog posts using your new computer skills.

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