Busy week in Primary 4/3

Article 13 We have the right to find out things and share by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.

This week we have been very busy learning about lots of new things….

We have had Mrs McClafferty in all day on a Tuesday. We enjoyed our light and shade art work. We also were using lots of weights and scales in Practical Maths. Mrs McClafferty took us outside for Outdoor PE and just as we were coming back inside the fire alarm went off and we had to stay outside…exciting ! We know where we come out the school and stand in our new classes. We also did Tools for Writing. This helped us when we planned and then wrote our Fantastic Mr Fox adventure stories.We are looking forward to finding out who are our Star Writers next Wednesday. We started our lunch order in French …a little bit tricky but we are getting better every day 🙂

Well done to Sophia who was our first Pupil of the week !

dates for the diary !

Photographer is in school Monday

Meet the teacher Wednesday evening 6-7pm

Dress down day Friday

Have a super weekend …Mrs Aitken


2 thoughts on “Busy week in Primary 4/3”

  1. I have had lots of fun in P4/3 so far. I wonder who will be Star Writer on Wednesday. I hope everyone has a super week.

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