Welcome to Primary 1!

Welcome to all the children who have started in Primary 1 this week! We have had such a fun time in school and Miss Wilson is so happy with how well everybody has settled in.

Here are some of our favourite parts of the week:
Rowan – Playing with my friend, Eva
Kyle – My favourite part was playing with Brandon
Eden – Playing in the sand
Eva – Playing outside
Lexi – Playing with my buddy, Joe
Teigan – My favourite part was playing with the play-doh
Lily – I like playing with my buddy, Sophie
Jonah – I like my buddy
Orlaith – I like playing with Rosie and my buddy
Tiana – My favourite part was playing with my buddy, Lucy

We have all had a really good week and are looking forward to learning more next week. Have a lovely weekend!
-Miss Wilson & Primary 1A

One thought on “Welcome to Primary 1!”

  1. I agree with Miss Wilson you have all be so great at settling into school. I enjoyed reading about some of the things people have enjoying, it is great to hear people have been having fun playing with their buddies. I am looking forward to hearing about all the great learning you do.

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