Our first few days in P5b…..

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely, relaxing holiday!

It’s been a really fun few days in P5b. We have made our Class Charter, learned about Solids, Liquids and Gases, been reading Billionaire Boy and doing lots of cool art activities.

What we think about P5b so far…………………


I like being in P5b because the task we did on Billionaire Boy was really fun. Murray

I really enjoyed science when we did the coke and mentos experiment and I really enjoyed when we did the 3d hand optical illusion drawing. Jack

I like being in P5 because we do fun stuff in science. Darja

I like my teachers and I like enjoyed learning about Billionaire Boy. Jamie

I like all of P5! Paige

I liked the 3d hand optical illusion drawing. Katie & Colin

I liked coming back to school because I can see all my friends. Gabriel

I like P5b it is so fun so far you couldn’t have nicer teachers. Casey

I enjoyed doing the 3d hand optical illusion drawing. Michelle

I like our project science when we did the mentos and coke experiment. Aiden

I enjoyed seeing all my friends. Kamron

So far I enoyed art with the teacher and seeing my friends. Katya

I thought putting mentos in coca cola because it was really cool even though we didn’t put the mentos in ourselves. I wish I could do that at home. Anyway it was really cool I am looking forward to other cool stuff like that in P5b. Stacey

P5b is so fun because you get to do so much fun stuff. Lewis

I like P5b it is fun I like the teachers and I liked when we did the mentos experiment. Callum

I really liked the David Williams Billionaire Boy friendship task. Harry

I liked all the teachers in P5b. Steven

I really enjoyed drawing Bumfresh Towers and our teachers can’t get any nicer. Skye

I like p5b because the teachers are very nice. I also like p5b because the science is really cool. Fiona

My favourite thing in P5b is Solids, Liquids and Gases. Cameron

I enjoyed science because we learned all about matter and I am looking forward to the rest of the year. Luca

My favourite part of P5b was drawing the 3d hand drawing. Mark

I enjoyed learning about Billionaire Boy. Jordan

I enjoyed learning about Billionaire Boy and doing the 3d hand drawing. Robyn

I liked doing the friendship sheet. Gary

I really like the teachers. Archie

I really enjoy being upstairs in P5 because there is a nice view out of the window. Lauryn

I like being in P5b because we get more work. Tobin

I like learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases and drawing the 3d hand. Noah


Have a great weekend!

One thought on “Our first few days in P5b…..”

  1. What brilliant comments about your new class P5b! – looks like you are all going to have a great year 😀
    Ps. I agree, your teachers in P5b are great! 😀

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