Our first days at school!

We have already been very busy in school.  Here are some of our thoughts so far…

Sam loves the dolls house.

Charlotte likes the sand tray.

Jude likes playing with the cars on the play mat.

Eilidh loves her new Frozen pencil and writing cards.

Archie M likes going outside with his buddy.

Archie G loves building pyramids in the sand.

Keegan has been busy practicing his drawings.

Rhianna has had fun colouring in.

Luke favourite thing in school is playing in the sand pit.

Sophie M can’t decide if she likes the sand or the cars the best.

Grace M likes drawing, doll houses and the sand.

Grace Q likes playing with her friends and buddy.

Artjom likes going outside.

Max likes the lego.

Sophie S liked the number and phonics work we have started.

Hollie loves her buddy.

Emily loves the story corner and the dolls house.

Fearne likes playing with her buddy.

Sara likes going outside.

Lilyrose likes playing with the lego.

Miss Holwill is so proud of all of her boys and girls…they are going to be great Balbardie pupils.

One thought on “Our first days at school!”

  1. I agree with Miss Holwill, P1 are definitely going to be star Balbardie pupils. I enjoyed reading all the things you have enjoyed this week and look forward to hearing about all the exciting things you are going to do.

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