P1L Trip to Botanic Gardens

On Wednesday, Primary One went to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. Lots of fun was had by everyone and lots of interesting information was given.

Here are some of the things we enjoyed about the trip:

“We liked seeing the baby ducks, they were cute” (Jamie, Alistair and Brandon).

“We learned about SWAF – Shelter, Water, Air and Food” (Charlotte).

“I liked the monkey puzzle tree, it felt soft and spiky. The monkeys can’t climb up it so they have to wait for the fruit to fall off it” (Cameron).

“I liked playing all the games; ‘teddy bear tig’ was fun” (Ammie-Leigh).

“We saw a really big tree with massive leaves” (Zara).

“We liked being on the bus” (Lucas and Liam).

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One thought on “P1L Trip to Botanic Gardens”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    I’m so pleased that you had such a great time at The Botanics on Wednesday. It sounds like you had great fun and learned lots of new things.
    I’ll need to try and remember SWAF.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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