P4m W/B 8.6.15

This has been a short but exciting week! We liked sharing our news from the long weekend and hearing what everyone did at the shows and the Gala day. We have been continuing with our class talks and have learned all about Hong Kong, India, Japan and America! It was very clear that everyone who presented put so much effort into preparing their talks.  We had a great day meeting our new teachers for Primary 5. We loved going to our classroom up stairs and being given the responsibilities that Primary 5 classes are given.  Some of us even got stickers for showing excellent behaviour throughout the day. Through our learning about Road Safety we used role play to explore the dangers that we are faced with on the road. In the pictures we are role playing a reporter interviewing someone who has hurt their leg in a road traffic accident. We are looking forward to next week to learn about what to do if a road traffic accident happens.

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2 thoughts on “P4m W/B 8.6.15”

  1. School has been good fun this week as we were off on Mon drying out after the galaday!! It was great meeting my new teachers in p5. I think Im going to enjoy it. Our road safety topic has been interesting too.
    see you soon
    Noah x

  2. Yes the Procession was a bit wet but I m sure everyone enjoyed themselves wither walking or watching from the side !
    You have been learning about lots of custons in your Context for learning Around the world. You have learned so much
    Enjoy your bust week ahead
    Mrs Aitken

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