This week we were part of Snape’s Potion Class. We had to test different materials to find out which ones would have the biggest chemical reaction for our potion. We tested salt, aspirin, baking soda and sugar in water and then in vinegar. We found that aspirin and baking soda both reacted the most but the biggest was with the vinegar and baking soda which flowed over the top of our cups! To complete it we added some food colouring for effect!
Here are some pictures of us doing our investigation:
Also this week we have started preparing for our P6s assembly on Friday 19th June. You should have received your invitations by now đŸ™‚
The best bit of our week so far was on Wednesday when we got to become Primary 7 for the day and meet our new teacher Miss Bollen.
Hi Primary 6s,
Your photos look great and show all of the fun you have had learning about science. I’m going to miss you assembly, but would love it if you invited me to one of your rehearsals so that I can get a sneak preview. You’ll all love having Miss Bollen as your teacher in P7.
Miss Henderson