P1w Assembly – Friendship

Today we had our class assembly! We decided to talk about what it takes to be a good friend. We made a friendship recipe and asked everyone in P1w what to put inside.


We then told the story of The Orange Crayon. In the story, none of the other crayons like each other! Then they draw a picture altogether and they turn into really good friends. The crayons looked fantastic!


Next we told everyone about our Friendship Tree. We have blogged previously about our friendship tree and it is nice to see it growing every day with more and more friends being added.

We are great friends in P1w to each other and everyone else! We hope we taught you more about being a good friend.

Have a lovely weekend and please be safe if you are walking with the procession tomorrow 🙂

Article 29:Your education should help you to use and develop on your talents and abilities.

3 thoughts on “P1w Assembly – Friendship”

  1. Thank you Miss Wilson and P1w,

    Your class assembly was very good this morning, you all looked very happy, friendly and your singing was excellent.
    Well done everyone!

  2. Hi Primary 1w,

    I really loved watching your assembly this morning and was very impressed with your singing and how well you all presented to the audience. I am so pleased that you are all such good friends and that you shared this with the whole school.

    Have a lovely, long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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