Our week in p7b



In health this week we have been learning about drugs:

Paul: “I’ve learned that drugs are classed depending on how dangerous they are. They are class A, B or C. For example heroin is class A which is the most dangerous.”

Isla: “There are three main groups of drugs which are hallucinogenic, depressant and stimulants which all have different effects.”

Emily: “I learned that most illegal drugs can kill you the first time you use them.”

Lauren U: “I learned that depressant drugs make your heartbeat go slower and they slow down the speed of messages between your brain and body.”

Nathan: “I learned that cannabis is illegal in the UK but is not in Holland and they sell it in cafes.”

Jay: “Dealing illegal drugs can get you a prison sentence of between 14 years and life. Being caught with illegal drugs can give you four years in jail.”

Flyn: “Not all drugs are illegal, for example paracetemol. However you have to be careful with them and follow the instructions or they can be harmful. Some illegal drugs might be prescribed by a doctor too.” 

Reading Routes

This week we have been learning about figures of speech:

Declan: “I’ve learned what a metaphor is. It’s when we say one thing is another thing. An example would be ‘give me a hand’ which isn’t actually asking the person to cut their hand off and give it to you.”

Chloe: “I’ve learned what repetition is. That is when an author repeats a word over and over to highlight that word.”

Harry: “I learned about personification. That is when we make something that isn’t alive sound alive. An example would be ‘the wind was howling.’ “

Lauren K: “I learned that a simile is when we say that something is like something else and we have to use ‘as’ or ‘like’. An example would be ‘the bird was as colourful as a rainbow.’ “

Adam: “We also learned about alliteration which is when you repeat a sound or letter at the start of words. An example would be ‘Peter pepper picked perfect pickles.’ “


We’ve been learning all about decimals:

Lauren C: “The link between fractions, decimals and percentages is that they are all ways of describing part of something.”

Antonia: “After a decimal point the further to the right you go the smaller the amount means. The place value columns for decimals are tenths, hundredths and thousandths.”

William: “For numbers after a decimal point you have to remember t say them individually and not as one number.”

Kendal: “To change from a fraction to a decimal you can use a calculator and divide the numerator by the denominator.”

Who has impressed?

Paul: “Adam has impressed with his art this week. He has taken his time and made it really neat.”

Lauren C: “The netball team impressed me because we were unbeaten for most of the games.”

Jay: “I’m impressed with everyone and the level of effort they have put into their Aztec god work in art.”

Mr Berginis: “I was really impressed with the p1w assembly this morning. I loved the songs and the crayon sketch was a great way of showing how to be friends.”


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