Fabulous Fractions!

This week in Primary 1w we have been learning about fractions. We have already been learning about division and sharing and we understood that there was a link between division and fractions. When learning about dividing and sharing, we discussed pizza slices and sharing these with a friend. We know that if there are 2 people and 8 slices of pizza then we get 4 slices each. We also now know that this would be HALF of a pizza.

We completed a listening task and chatted about a whole pizza (1), half a pizza (1/2) and a quarter of a pizza (1/4). Here are some pictures of us completing our work:







Article 28: The right to an education

One thought on “Fabulous Fractions!”

  1. Hi Primary 1w,

    WOW! I am so impressed that you have been learning about fractions and division already in school. Well done.

    Miss Henderson

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