What stuck with you and your partner this week? 25.5.15 P4m

Gary and Lauryn: I learned how to use Venn and Carroll diagrams. I enjoyed cricket in outdoor P.E and spelling: they were both really fun!

Mark and Steven: I enjoyed learning fractions in maths. I enjoyed Cricket in P.E.

Colin and Katya: We both enjoyed learning about India this week. We got to design out own Henna patterns, it was really fun!

Harry and Fiona: We enjoyed tasting Noah’s Indian food he brought in for his class talk. It was very tasty!

Luca and Lewis: We enjoyed writing about the story of Ganesh.

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One thought on “What stuck with you and your partner this week? 25.5.15 P4m”

  1. I heard all about your Indian food Noah ! Well done you 🙂
    Venn and Carroll diagrams in maths. ..excellent learning everyone
    enjoy your weekend
    Mrs Aitken

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