
We have a had a busy. short week back to school. We have been learning about how crops grow on farms. We watched the story of the Little Red Hen. We looked at how farmers collect wheat to make bread and the different machines they use. We had a challenge to design our own farm machine and explain what job it would do on a farm and why it is useful. Miss Elliot then decided if she would buy it from us for her farm. Some of the designs were very interesting. Some ideas very original. Keira designed a machine which would go around the farm and feed the animals for the farmer. It would know what types of food to give all the different animals. We also learned how to make the bread as we were interested in what happened to the wheat once it had been turned into flour. We followed the recipe and used our weighing and measuring skills to get the measurements correct. We had great fun, but got very messy!

We have been busy practising our song for Celebrating Success. We are really looking forward to performing it next week. Hope to see you all there at 11.30am on Thursday 14th May.

Article 24: Right to healthy and nutritious food.


Class Dojo: Ellis and Dadirayi

MVP: Dadirayi

One thought on “P3e”

  1. Well done, P3e! I’m looking forward to popping by this coming week to see your machinery designs. I really enjoy reading about, and seeing all the wonderful learning that is taking place. Keep up the good work! Mrs Hay x

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