A very short week for p4g!

This week started with a couple of extra days holiday – yay!

On Wednesday we went down to Bathgate Xcite to have our swimming assessments. We had to swim one width back stroke and one width front crawl to see how well we could swim and then we had to get out. We were a little bit disappointed that we didn’t have time to play in the water!

In our topic work we continued to learn about the desert as Phileas Fogg went to Egypt on his way around the world.

We learnt that the clothes the people wear are designed to keep them cool – Alanna

Not all deserts are hot – Jennie

Antarctica is the biggest cold desert in the world – Sam

Deserts aren’t hilly like Scotland – Ciaran

The Sahara is the biggest hot desert in the world and it is the hottest desert – Sophie

In Maths we compared the annual temperatures of Edinburgh and Cai
ro. We made line graphs of the average temperatures in these places. It is much hotter in Cairo than Edinburgh!

Some children managed to plot more than one line on their graphs to show more than one set of data. Mrs Collings was very impressed!


In P.E. we played kickball which is a mixture of rounders and football. It was great fun! The orange and bibbed teams drew – Ty

I enjoyed Cool in School this week. We were learning about making cool responses when people use unkind words – Brooklyn

In spelling we had a variety of activities but the most popular was using the letter tile! Here are some examples.




2 thoughts on “A very short week for p4g!”

  1. Interesting fact Jenni…I didn t know that !
    You are fairly moving around the world…what a great topic
    Mrs Aitken

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