A very different week for p7b…


Last week was very different for everyone in p7. Some of us went off to Belgium and those who stayed behind had a very interesting week.


Finlay: “My favourite thing was going to the indoor water park called Sun park De Haan. I liked that the water was heated.”

Paul: “My favourite part of Belgium was going to the Passchendaele war museum. It showed us lots of things like guns, food and trenches from World War 1. I liked looking at all the historical things.”

Lauren U: “My favourite part of Belgium was the war day. One of the things we did was go to the Menin Gate and took part in the Last Post Ceremony. I found it really interesting.”

Antonia: “My favourite part of Belgium was sharing a room with Olivia because she was fun to stay with and we’re good friends.”

Emily: “My favourite part of Belgium was going to Plopsaland. It’s a theme park which has lots of characters and rides. I liked it because the Anubis rollercoaster was fun.”

Chloe: “My favourite part of Belgium was visiting the clogmaker. He showed us how to make clogs using wood and axes and knives.”

Lauren C: “My favourite part of Belgium was getting a rest after a busy day most days.”

Kendal: “In Belgium I shared a room with Lauren and Lauren. It was fun because it was never quiet and we had lots to talk about.”

Adam: “My favourite part of Belgium was going to the beach at night because me, Nathan and Cameron built a massive sand hill so we could jump off of it.”

Fun week:

Taylor: “I liked trying different types of chocolate with Mrs Waddell. We tried white chocolate, dark chocolate, peanut chocolate and even chilli chocolate. I didn’t think the chilli chocolate was very tasty because it was spicy.”

Ellie: “My favourite part of the week was Friday because we got to have a cup of tea in the staff room. I also liked doing my work experience with the office staff.”

Declan: “I liked going swimming because it was fun and we learned how to dive properly.”

Kai: “I enjoyed everything about the week especially going swimming twice.”

Jay: “I enjoyed doing the work experience. I worked with Mr Jeffries, Mr Barton and Miss Allan. I enjoyed playing basketball with Declan and Billy.”

Kyra: “I enjoyed going swimming. I also enjoyed making the burgers and I asked everybody in the office if they wanted one.”


One thought on “A very different week for p7b…”

  1. It was certainly a very busy week last week for you all. I’m sure that you all learned lots about yourself, Belgium and the importance of remembering those who fought in the wars.
    The group that were with us in school were also fantastic and I’m sure you learned lots from your work experience day.
    Have a good weekend.

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