
This week we completed our Journey through the Nile topic. Our last activity was to design a travel leaflet about Egypt. We wrote facts about modern Egypt.

Here is some information we included:
– ladies wear long black dresses that cover their knees and shoulders and a veil to cover their face.
– traditional men wear long, cotton robes.
– the Egyptian flag is red, white and black
– in Egypt today you can visit the ancient pyramids
-Egyptian currency is Egyptian pounds.
-The population is 69 million.
-the weather is very hot!

Well- done to everyone who completed an Egyptian home project. They were all fantastic! Everyone revived a certificate for their efforts and Arran won the overall prize for working extremely hard to complete an information book with activities inside. Next week we will begin our new topic ‘Farm to fork’.

We also learned about similes. A simile is when an author uses the words ‘like’ and ‘as’ to compare two things. E.g. as slow as a snail and
up and down like a yo-yo. We worked in groups to read a passage and highlight the similes.

In writing, we wrote a recount of our Easter holiday. We had to include an introduction information about our favourite day (who, what, where, when), feelings and a concluding sentence.
We also had to write in the past tense. It was quite tricky but we did a great job!

Bye for now,

Article 28- We have the right to an education

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