Learning in P2g

We have had a busy week, and it’s only Tuesday!  We’ve been working very hard at solving maths problems, by finding missing numbers in addition number facts. We’ve used counters, bears, number lines and our fingers to help us find the missing number.

Teighan: ‘It was hard but I managed because I used a number line.’

Alex: ‘I got better because I practised and I liked writing down my answers.’

In English we learned about using interesting words to make our sentences ambitious.  We also used story cubes to help us come up with interesting stories:  we drew our stories and shared these with our elbow partners.

Euan: ‘It was Christmas and it was a really good day because everyone got a scrumptious dinner with each other.’

Gemma: ‘I’m going to have an excellent Easter because I’m going to find lots of blue and green chocolate eggs.’

I am very proud of how well our P2s are learning – what a brilliant class!

Have a very happy Easter boys and girls!

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