Easter-tastic and Busy Bees in Class O

Class O have been very busy with their learning this week. We have been concentrating hard on our Literacy and Numeracy, as well as learning about Easter and doing Easter crafts. There was a mischievous character who cut the heads off Mrs Laing’s daffodils, ate our chocolate egg and left footprints!


Caitlin: This week was big float week at swimming and I really enjoyed it. We have been making Easter Hats and cards with Mrs Henderson. I really enjoyed doing these as well.


Josh: I have been learning about coins and adding money this week. I was using real life problems to help me. I have also been learning how to collect data and put it into a graph. This is quite tricky. I really liked making an Easter card with Mrs Henderson. Someone cut the heads off Mrs Laing’s dafodils and we had to investigate who did it.


Adam: I enjoyed writing my spelling words in messy things this week. The playdough has been fun becasue we now have it as a choose tray. The silly string was fun. It was messy!


Geordie: It was a very busy week in Class O. Everyone has worked so hard. Some mysterious things happened in the class when we were upstairs. The flowers were cut and the egg was eaten. I enjoyed investigating how and who did this.

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