Data handling with our buddies

In maths we have been learning about data handling.  We have learned how to record results using tally marks and how to draw a graph to show our results.  We can also read our graphs to answer questions.  But we wanted to carry out a survey, so we ask our buddies for help.

On Thursday we paired up with our buddies and learned lots.  Firstly, with our buddies we came up with a question and thought carfeully about what choices we were going to give (we remembered to have an ‘other’ option).  Then we all went to a class to carry out our survey and recorded our results.  When we got back to our class we had to make a graph and answer questions.  We found working out the differnce between the answer with the greatest and fewest votes tricky but our buddies were great teachers.  Everyone was very impressed espically our buddies who thought we should be in P2 🙂

We had a great time and a big thank you to our buddies and the classes we visited.

article 19

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