
This week we have been writing newspaper reports about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. A newspaper article needs to have a headline, the name of the newspaper, the date, a picture and a caption. We also had to include what happened and who was there, when it was and where it happened.

In topic we have been learning about pyramids. There are different pyramids in Egypt and the biggest pyramid is ‘Khufu’ also known as the ‘Great Pyramid’. Pyramids were big tombs for important pharaohs in Egypt. In the pyramids they put their sarcophagus and their treasures. We had a challenge to make pyramids. We could use lego, marshmallows and cocktail sticks, net pyramids and pipe cleaners.


This week we continued to learn about pointilism. We used paint and cotton buds to create a landscape picture. We had to choose one of our favourite places in Scotland and we entered these into the Highland Art Competition.


Article 28: Right to an education


Pupil of the Week: Ava for an excellent newspaper report.

Class Dojo: Robyn





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