A Very Busy Week in Class B

At maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. To celebrate how well we have done with our learning, we decided to make robot models using everyday objects. We worked really hard on these. We planned our designs, gathered the resources we needed and got to work building our robots. Once they were painted we labelled the body parts to show what shapes had been used.

‘My robot was based on a famous character from a company named Aardmen. I used cuboids, spheres and cylinders.’ Callum

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We demonstrated safe and hygienic food preparation when we made oat cakes. We followed the Viking Oatcake recipe carefully and enjoyed tasting them once they were cooked. We chose healthy toppings such as sugar free jam and blueberries. We got the thumbs up from our special guest judges! We also made Viking Vegetable Stew!

‘Making the oat cakes was enjoyable. They tasted great, a bit like bread. I had syrup and blueberries on top.’ Jamie

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We tried hard to use interesting describing words when writing character descriptions this week. We invented our own Viking Gods and described their appearance and special powers.

‘I like my Viking God because he looks like a Lego dude, he can read your mind!’ Cody

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We also had great fun at messy play in the Sensory Room this week!

2 thoughts on “A Very Busy Week in Class B”

  1. It looks like you have been having lots of fun in Class B. I love your 3D models, they are very creative.
    I came into the sensory room when you were having messy play and it looked great.

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