Group work in P1h

This term we have been learning how to make group work successful.  These are the skills we have practiced:

Get into our groups quickly and quietly (we played a game of ‘Peas in the pod’ to learn this skill)

Remember to get everything you need (we made biscuits to learn this skill)

Organised (we all help to make the ship but we all have a n individual job too)

Use whispering voices (we played hunt the thimble and Chinese Whispers to learn this skill)

People’s name (we learned that people will help you better if you say their name first)

Stay with your group until you are finished (One time Miss Holwill sent our timekeepers away so we did not finish our job in time)

This week we used our group working skills to share our learning of pirate ships.  Miss Holwill was very impressed with our group working skills and thought our ships were very special too. Here are the photos…108_2154108_2162108_2157108_2155108_2163108_2158108_2161108_2159article 13

One thought on “Group work in P1h”

  1. Hi Primary 1h,

    I really enjoying visiting your class this week and seeing you putting all of your group work skills into action. I was very impressed with how well you all worked together in a group to make your own pirate ship. Well done, everyone.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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