
This week, we learned about the weighing of the heart. The Ancient Egyptians believed that when you died your heart got weighed to see if you were a good person. If your heart was light then you lived a good kind life, but if your heart was heavy you were eaten up by God Ammut!
We also found out about the one of the most famous Egyptian’s Tutankhamun. He was a pharaoh and Howard Carter found his tomb filled with lots of gold. We then found out that people and animals that entered the tomb were cursed. We acted out the story in drama and used freeze frames to show how the people in the story felt. We also looked at Tutankhamun’s tomb and looked at all the objects found in his tomb. We thought that the tomb was similar a time capsule. We created our own time capsule including things we could not live without. Lots of us couldn’t live without our families and different types of electronics and food.
In language, we have been learning about contractions. Contractions are shortened versions of words, we really liked finding out which words could be shortened such as cannot > can’t and I am > I’m.
Bye for now,

Article 28-Right to an education

2 thoughts on “P3b”

  1. Wow – how very interesting! I wonder if a heart full of kindness weighs more…? Well done P3 – I have also enjoyed your displays in your class. You’ve been working very hard!

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