Budding artists in 1w!

This week in 1w we have been learning more about making collage pictures. Last week we made flowers out of tissue paper and this week we made forrest pictures. Some people even started to add the Gruffalo and the little brown mouse into their picture.

We really enjoy Art in 1w and are becoming fantastic artists! Here is a list of our favourite pieces of art we have made so far in Primary 1:

Jodie – Making my Caribbean beach picture
Katie – Making my 3D parrot as part of home learning
Donna – Painting pictures
Max – Making my 3D parrot out of paper mache
Eva – Drawing pictures of dinosaurs
Lucas – Drawing a pirate portrait
Farrah – Colouring in pictures of our favourite books
Lewis – I enjoy drawing
Anna – Painting pictures

*Article 29 – We have the right to learn to be the best we can be*

One thought on “Budding artists in 1w!”

  1. Hi Primary 1w,

    You are doing so well with learning your art skills in class and your classroom is looking great with all of your work displayed on the walls. I really enjoyed my visit to your class this week and seeing you all working hard on learning adding and taking away. Keep working hard, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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