A Viking Week in P4g

This week in our topic work we have been finding out about the Viking invasion of Britain. The Vikings came to Britain in 793AD.

They wanted to fight the Britons to get their treasure – Eva

They came from Scandinavia in search of new lands – Tom

They travelled in longboats, which had massive sails. They held fifty men and each man had a chest which they sat on which held their belongings. They rowed with massive long oars. -Lennox

The long boats had dragon heads on the front to make people scared of them – Eva

They used the sun to navigate as they didn’t have any maps – Yasmin

We  also learnt about the Viking Gods. I wrote about Thor who was the God of Thunder and he was the son of Odin – Sam

Odin was the God of Gods and he rode an eight legged horse. – Ty

Odin had ravens and could change into any animal or bird – Rowan

Freya was the Goddess of love, war and death and she was a twin to Frey. Freyja could turn into a falcon.

Loki was the God of mischief – Noah

We also made a salt dough tile with Mrs Jamieson which we are going to decorate next week.

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