
We have been learning some disgusting facts about Ancient Egypt this week! We have been learning all about mummification. We wrote instructions about how to mummify someone; Here is an example:


First you need to clean the body.

Then you need to mix the brain around and pull it out the nose.

Next you need to make a cut in the body and you take out the organs. You need to put them in canopic jars.

Then you need to dry the body and leave it for 40 days.

Once it is dry you need to stuff the body and wrap it in bandages.

Finally you put the body in a sarcophagus and put it in a tomb.


We also mummified an apple using salt and bicarbonate soda. We are going to look at the apple in 1 week to see what it looks like.

We made designed a sarcophagus and we made our own canopic jars. We had to

create the head of the god who protects the organs. Most people chose the jackal head. He is called Duametef and he protects the stomach.


This week some people used the netbooks to type up and edit the ending of their stories and we will finish these next week.


We hope you enjoyed viewing our art work at the exhibition.


See you next week!




2 thoughts on “P3e”

  1. Hi Primary 3e,

    I really enjoyed seeing your art work in the exhibition on Thursday and seeing all of your families at the opening of the new hall. I’m looking forward to seeing what your apple looks like in one week – I hope the mummification process works and it doesn’t start to rot!

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hello P3e,

    Your instructions on mummifying a body are very clear. I’m so glad that you are mummifying an apple and not a person!

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