P3b Learning

This week we learned about the mummification process. We were so shocked when we found that the Ancient Egyptians pulled the brains out through the nose! We then made our own canopic jars- it was great fun!
We also mummified a small toy. We pretended we were the priest wearing an Anubis mask ready to embalm the small toy.
In art we painted a sunset silhouette picture. We had to blend different colours to create a beautiful sunset. They were so good they are displayed on the wall.
In writing we edited our pyramid adventure story and used the laptops to type them up. The laptops were very fun to use. It was a bit tricky using all the keys and knowing where the letters were.

Have a great weekend,

Article 28- Right to an education

2 thoughts on “P3b Learning”

  1. Hi Primary 3b,

    You’ve had another fun week learning about The Ancient Egyptians. You looked like you were having a great time making canonic jars when I was in your class on Wednesday. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hello P3,

    Your are learning so much about the Egyptians. I hope you didn’t pull out any brains and put them in canopic jars!

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