What did pirates do for fun?

We have been comparing what we do for fun and what pirates would have done after all their chores on board.  We thought we would not do anything the same, especially after we realised they did not have TV or computers, but…..

We both enjoy listening to music and lots of us can or we have family/friends who can play an instrument.  

There were some activities that were similar.  Pirates played dice game, this is sort of the same as we use die to play board games.  Pirates liked to do craft activities.  We love to do this.  Pirates would have used bone and rope and we use paint and paper.

One thing we have never done is tied ropes.

We pretended we were pirates for the afternoon and learned to tie a knot and play a game using only dice.  We were very busy and had lots of fun!  Thanks to Jamie for taking our photos:) 


One thought on “What did pirates do for fun?”

  1. Hi Primary 1h,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post and how pirates did some things in their spare time that are very similar to what we do now. I would miss not having TV too. Your photos are great, Jamie. Well done.

    Miss Henderson

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